What We Do

At Lafayette Area Parkinson's Support, we believe in the power of community and understanding. Whether you are embarking on a journey of learning or advocating for change, our unwavering support will guide you through.

Embrace the essence of partnership as we walk beside you in this quest for knowledge and progress. Your story matters, and together, we amplify your voice amidst the vast landscape of possibilities.


Rock Steady Boxing is a international boxing program for people with Parksinson’s.


Support groups are a chance to learn and share on the journey of dealing with Parkinson’s.

Parkinson’s Disease Education and Support Group of Greater Lafayette was founded by Jessica Huber when she was at Purdue University. The group follows the Purdue calendar and the schedule will be posted when released.


Do you have a group or organization that would like to learn more about Parkinson’s as well as what we do? Please contact us and we would be happy to present at your group to help raise awareness.